TRUscan - the rope monitoring solution

In ropeways, the rope's reliability determines the entire system's safety and availability. TRUscan uses magnetic induction to monitor the condition of the ropes and alerts you to take action if necessary. You benefit from increased safety, better maintenance planning, and reduced costs.

Positioning and velocity sensor

TRUscan is available both as a permanently installed and a mobile variant.


Evaluation communication module and data transfer to TRUcockpit server

TRUscan - Networking

Automatic reports

Non-accredited reports can be generated automatically with TRUscan at user-defined measurement intervals. A few minutes after the measurement is completed, the data is analyzed and summarized in an easy-to-read report. In the event of any measurement anomalies, you will be notified immediately so that corrective action can be taken to ensure the safety of the ropeway.

Third-Party reports

TRUscan can also be used to generate third-party rope condition reports. The TRUscan data is sent to a neutral accredited body for analysis and processing, before the report is generated. The splice check portion of the accredited report is performed on-site by a Level 1 inspector, which may be one of many Fatzer certified technicians.

The TRUscan system

To ensure the long-term reliability of ropeways, FATZER is intensively involved in condition monitoring of operating ropes. TRUscan offers many advantages, especially for urban and tourist ropeways, as well as for installations with limited access and in harsh environments.

TRUscan's benefits

TRUscan provides the highest level of safety to achieve maximum ropeway availability. You always know the condition of the ropes and can avoid service interruptions. No special technical knowledge is required. The evaluation software runs on our cloud server and requires no locally installed software components.


Take advantage of our individual advice
In order to be able to offer our customers the best ropes and services, we deal intensively with them and their needs. You too can benefit from our know-how and let us advise you.
Philipp Enzler  – Director of Sales - Ropeways (USA, Canada, England, Ireland)